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Regular price £22.00 GBP
Regular price Sale price £22.00 GBP
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Lazulite is a striking blue mineral known for its deep azure color and crystalline structure. It is revered for its ability to enhance intuition, clarity, and spiritual connection. Lazulite is associated with the throat and third eye chakras, making it an excellent tool for communication, self-expression, and inner vision.

Whiteite is a rare and captivating mineral characterized by its translucent to opaque white color and crystalline formation. It is prized for its ability to promote clarity, purification, and inner peace. Whiteite is associated with the crown chakra, facilitating spiritual growth, enlightenment, and connection to higher realms.


- Spiritual Connection: Lazulite and Whiteite are both associated with enhancing spiritual connection and facilitating communication with higher realms of consciousness.

- Inner Peace: Lazulite and Whiteite can help calm the mind, soothe the spirit, and promote a sense of inner peace and tranquility.

- Clarity of Mind: Lazulite and Whiteite can help clear mental fog, enhance mental clarity, and stimulate intellectual growth and understanding.

Your crystal with be intuitively chosen from your selected weight or size category, (unless otherwise stated) therefore size, shape and colouration may vary. Your crystal with be intuitively chosen from your selected weight or size category, therefore size, shape and colouration may vary. 

Approx sizing: 2.89 x 2.9 x 2.25cm

Quantity: 1
Exact item, pictured.
Locality: Rapid Creek, Yukon, Canada (From the M F Gale Mineral Collection)
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