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Piedra Rayo is also known  or "Colombianite" is a fascinating natural material formed from the rapid cooling of volcanic lava. Named after the renowned volcanologist Pedro Rayo, this type of volcanic glass holds special significance due to its unique properties and origins.

Piedra Rayo volcanic glass, is created when molten lava cools quickly, without sufficient time for crystal growth to occur. This rapid cooling process gives volcanic glass its characteristic glassy texture and appearance. Pedro Rayo typically exhibits a shiny, jet-black color, although variations in color can occur depending on the mineral impurities present.

Beyond its practical uses, Piedra Rayo volcanic glass has also held cultural and spiritual significance. Many ancient cultures considered obsidian to possess mystical properties and believed it to have protective qualities. It was often used in spiritual rituals, as well as for ornamental purposes in jewellery and decorative objects.

Due to its unique beauty and historical significance, Piedra Rayo continues to be highly sought after today. It is valued by collectors, artisans, and jewellery designers who appreciate its natural allure and its connection to our planet's volcanic past. 

1. Grounding and Protection: Piedra Rayo, is often associated with grounding energy and providing protection against negative influences. It is believed to create a shield that helps ward off negative energy, psychic attacks, and emotional distress. Some individuals use obsidian as a protective talisman or carry it for personal empowerment.

2. Emotional Healing: Piedra Rayo is thought to assist in emotional healing and growth. It is said to aid in releasing negative emotions, such as anger, fear, or grief, and promoting a sense of balance and stability. Obsidian is believed to help individuals confront and overcome past traumas or emotional blockages, supporting a deeper understanding of oneself and facilitating personal transformation.

3. Spiritual Insight and Intuition:  Often associated with enhancing spiritual insight, intuition, and psychic abilities. It is believed to help individuals connect with their higher selves and access hidden knowledge or wisdom. Some people use obsidian during meditation or spiritual practices to deepen their spiritual experiences and enhance their intuition.

4. Energy Cleansing and Chakra Alignment: Thought to have cleansing properties, both on an energetic and physical level. It is believed to absorb and transmute negative energies, helping to purify one's aura and environment.

Root Chakra

The specimen pictured, is the exact piece you will receive.
Approx sizing: 5.5 x 4.1 x 2.6cm
Large specimen

Pseudotektie- closely resembles a Tektite.
Locality: Colombia, Andes Mountains
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