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Regular price £4.89 GBP
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Garnierite, also known as green nickel ore or nickeliferous laterite, is a fascinating and distinctive mineral that exhibits captivating green hues and intriguing patterns. Named after the French geologist Alfred Philippe François Garnier, this gemstone is found in various parts of the world, including New Caledonia, Madagascar, and Australia.

One of the defining characteristics of garnierite is its unique coloration, which can range from pale green to a deep, vibrant green. The green hues are attributed to the presence of nickel and other trace elements within the mineral. Garnierite often showcases beautiful patterns and swirls, adding to its aesthetic appeal.

Metaphysically, garnierite is associated with growth, healing, and transformation. It is believed to resonate with the heart chakra, facilitating emotional healing and encouraging compassion and love. Garnierite is thought to support personal growth and spiritual development, assisting individuals in releasing old patterns and embracing positive changes in their lives.

Garnierite is also valued for its grounding and soothing properties. It is said to promote a sense of calmness and harmony, helping to alleviate stress, anxiety, and emotional imbalances. Some believe that garnierite can enhance intuition and psychic abilities, facilitating a deeper connection with the spiritual realm.

Beyond its metaphysical properties, garnierite is used in various practical applications. Due to its unique color and patterns, it is highly sought after by lapidaries and artisans for crafting jewellery, ornamental pieces, and decorative objects. The distinctive green shades of garnierite can create stunning and eye-catching jewellery pieces, from pendants and earrings to rings and bracelets.

Your crystal with be intuitively chosen from your selected weight or size category, (unless otherwise stated), therefore size, shape and colouration may vary. Crystals are wonderful creations of our Earth, therefore natural imperfections and inclusions may be present.

Quantity: 1
Approx sizing: 2.84 x 2.67cm (minimum size)

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